A modern, globally-oriented, research-intensive university with a social mission.
AGH University of Krakow provides education and carries out scientific research in line with the contemporary needs of the economy. Through this social side of the university’s activities, it influences the development of research areas and the creation of new fields of study.
Our mission and goal is acting in a triangle that combines SCIENCE – producing knowledge, EDUCATION – internal transfer of knowledge according to the model “mentor–mentee”, and COLLABORATION WITH SURROUNDINGS – external transfer of knowledge.
As an academically diverse university with social mission, we develop timeless values: fundamental and applied knowledge, an ethos of an employee, student and graduate, as well as their practical skills, and the so-called “soft skills”. It is also important for the university to encourage patriotic and pro-social attitudes. At the same time, we create tangible things such as publications, scientific projects, contracts for the economy, study programmes, buildings, laboratories, patents, etc. In the concept of the university of values, these two areas are particularly important and complementary.
AGH University focuses on the following research areas:
- Sustainable energy technologies, renewable sources of energy, and energy storage
- New technologies for the circular economy
- Water – Energy – Climate: interdisciplinary approach to sustainable development
- Technical solutions: from fundamental research, through modelling and design, to prototypes
- Materials, technologies, and processes inspired by nature
- Intelligent information, telecommunication, computer, and control and operation technologies
- Design, production, and testing of modern materials and the technologies of the future
- Crossing boundaries: experimental high energy physics, extreme states of matter, transdisciplinary applications
The academic life at the AGH University is flourishing also in terms of social integration. Every year the Juwenalia events are taking place in all higher-education institutions in Poland, with different names depending on a college or a city. The days are free from lectures and filled with entertainment: concerts, sports events and many, many parties.
The first Juwenalia were celebrated in the 15th century in Krakow. Juwenalia events have played a significant role in the academic life until the pandemic broke out.
AGH University in numbers:
16 faculties
4.000 scientists
and researchers
800 laboratories
modern teaching
and research facilities
active collaboration with the economic environment
unique offer of scholarship, practical trainings and work experience for students
extensive campus in the city centre with the largest student accomodation area in Poland, featuring sports and recreational facilities
centre for development, transfer and commercialisation of innovative technologies
best paid and most needed graduates on the labour market
over 400 collaboration agreements with foreign institutions in Europe, North and South America and Asia aimed at multidimensional collaboration in the fields of education and academic research
approximately 200 research projects conducted every year in collaboration with foreign partners, including those covered by th EU Framework Programmes, Interreg, COST, EUREKA, SAVE, ALTNER, CULTURE 2000 and CERN